Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big Love S04E07 'Blood Atonement'

As much as I love this show, it feels as though it has just become way too busy. Maybe this is because it’s season has been shortened by an episode. I think all these storylines, as dramatic as they, may have benefitted from revealing them at a slower pace – if for nothing else than to give the viewer a chance to breathe a little.

It was obvious that the dominant storyline within this episode was going to be the fallout between Lois’s smuggling and the Green’s. It did take up the majority of the episode, as Joey and Bill made their way down to Mexico to rescue them. We find out, however, this isn’t Joey’s sole intention. He wants to go down there to exact revenge against Hollis for the part he played in Kathy’s death. We see Bill’s fear that Ben could possibly already have been killed, a fear that is perhaps exacerbated by the distance has been between them both of late.
Hollis puts the three accused before a mock trial, although it’s clear that he’s never going to find in favour of any of them, as he believes he is muscling in on his own business. However, he does agree to put a halt on proceedings until Bill can get there. This isn’t to be nice; it’s because he has since found out that after Dale’s death – Bill has now been elevated and is the head of the UEB. As Hollis has his son, they both have something the other needs.

Things take a turn for the even more strange when Bill does get there. He pulls a gun on his brother, telling him he can’t join him as he is too hell bent on revenge and may put them all in jeopardy. Of course this does little to deter Joey, and was a bit foolhardy of Bill to think that it would. Joey follows him down anyway, ‘guns a-blazin’ shouting out for Hollis Green.

By this point Bill has already located and retrieved his family (as well as Joedine, who was essential to the operation). Bill tells Joey to leave it be and to get out of there, that the heavenly father will take care of it, just like he did Roman. This is where Joey tells him that it was in fact he, who took care of it. There was no divine intervention. Bill, although shocked, does stand by his brothers side when people pull guns on them.

Bill then offers himself up, as long as they let their family go. However, Lois’s maternal instinct kicks in. Although this might not have been the best course of action ... she grabs the nearest weapon a slices Hollis’s arm off. It may not be the greatest ideas in terms of revenge and future ramifications the action will have on both her and her family, but it’s quite clear she just wanted to save her son.

And there we have it. They are all free to go back to Salt Lake, and will no doubt have to deal with the fallout of this in the remaining two episodes.

We find out this episode that Nikki is having trouble conceiving. So much so, that she has seen a doctor about her qualms who confirms her suspicions. This issue is only made more interesting by the fact that Adaleen, her mother, has found out she’s pregnant. As improbable as this seems, it is confirmed by a home pregnancy test.
The part that Jay Jay’s son, who is a doctor, has played in this is yet to be determined. Adaleen sings her praise of him, and instructs Nikki to go see him as well. From what we’ve seen of Jay Jay, and from Wanda’s horrified reaction (‘What have you done!’) it will be interesting to see how this proceeds. I may be reading way too much into it, but I think the doctor is completely suspicious, and the ‘hormones’ he prescribed Nikki may be something else entirely...
Also from the way Adaleen has said she’s never had so much energy etc ...

And finally we come to Margene’s storyline. She got married. To Ana’s fiancée, in order to keep him in the country. This way Bill and Barb can keep their baby, Ana and her fiancée actually get to stay in America, and perhaps the underlying reason ... Margene has her own front for when Bill announces that they are all polygamists. Margene can hide behind the fact that she is in fact married, and hopefully it will have no impact on her business at all. Another consideration could be Margene potentially gaining two allies. It’s clear that she is still a little bit on the out with the family, so with Ana behind her she at least has somebody on her side.


- Still believe something is being built up between Tommy and Barb. The way that she asked him about his background, and the way he was concerned about her safety when the bomb was found in the casino.
- It would seem that Bill was right about Marilyn. No sooner have they signed, they already can’t contact her for help, and in fact, discover that she may be in bed with the organisation that is after their casino.
- Again no Sarah. Definitely phasing her out. She could have really left this season and it wouldn’t have made any difference.
- Was disappointed that the aftermath of Dale’s suicide hasn’t really been explored yet. Was really hoping to see Alby’s reaction, and whether or not he finds out Laura was behind Dale’s family finding out...
- I like how Ana has sort of been setup to point out just how difficult the whole family is. In a way, her character got to know the family just as we did. Through fresh, innocent eyes who knew nothing of polygamy or the lifestyle. She is usually the voice of reason, in many ways – pointing out just how difficult they all are to deal with etc
- Am wondering if there’s something between Joedine and Joey...?
- Was also interesting to see Frank admit to Lois the real reason for Bill’s banishment. The will of Roman Grant and the threat of relocating his wives. And although he did let Bill go for perhaps selfish reasons, perhaps we got a glimpse of how much Lois had meant to him. However, he now knows that this decision essentially ruined her.
- Was also nice to see Adaleen apologising to Nikki for her sealment when she was only fifteen. You could see just how much that sentiment meant to Nikki.


“I’m not going down without a fight.” Lois
“I’m not that person you think I’m becoming.” Bill
“No, I don’t even know who you are. Not really. I was just, pretending I did.” Lois
“You people can’t be reasoned with.” Ana
“I’ve come to see, I’ve really let you down.” Adaleen
“I had my childhood taken from me. I refuse to let my womanhood be taken too.” Nikki
“If you can’t share in my joy, then let’s just add it to the growing pile of things you and I are unable to discuss.” Adaleen

And here is the rest of it.
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Brothers and Sisters S04E15 'A Valued Family'

Bit of a bla episode really. Nothing terribly exciting happened. I don’t know if it’s the cynic in me (and lets be honest, it most definitely is) but I always seem to like episodes where the whole family is almost at war – more than the ones that they’re for each other. I know the whole show is based on the premise that these people share this intimate bond with each other, but sometimes it almost seems like it is TOO much like fiction. The fighting Walker’s seem a little bit more based in reality.

This episode we finally got to Kitty announcing her candidacy. She hired campaign manager, Buffy, who has also done a little digging into her background. She found Alec Tyler, the guy Kitty nearly had an affair with in the previous season. And while she sees this as merely being thorough, Robert sees it as almost an invasion of privacy and gives her quite a serving. I think these two characters (Robert and Buffy) share quite an interesting dynamic. Who knows ... maybe he’ll run off with her at the end of the season.
Just on a sidenote to this storyline, we almost saw Robert forgive Alec for his almost indiscretion with Kitty. Although he did make sure he didn’t sleep with her, even though Kitty has been adamant in the past that they didn’t. Alec somewhat humanised himself to Robert when he mentioned his wife dying of cancer, something Robert was so obviously afraid of having to go through when Kitty was sick. And in the end Robert did (sortve) thank him. He admitted they were in a bad place at the time Kitty and Alec met, and having to work through that drama set them back on course. (Although it could be said it’s obviously about to be derailed... If you look at Rob Lowe’s departure as an avenue for the writers to make Kitty single again)

Rebecca and Justin made a return to the series as well. Rebecca lost the baby, and they are both obviously grieving for their loss. I’ve never really liked them as a couple, and while it was emotional and you did feel their loss, I couldn’t help but remembering Justin’s admission – that he is just not at the point in his life to be a father. Perhaps that will get brought back up.

It was also revealed that Holly did not sell her shares to Dennis York, even though we were led to believe that she did throughout most of the episode. Her talk with Nora obviously had an impact in the hospital waiting room when they were both mourning the loss of their unborn grandchild. Nora referred to her as family, and you do actually see that remark register on Holly’s face. Later Holly does divulge the name of the potential buyer, which seems to resonate with Nora – and will no doubt be explored in meticulous detail in future episodes.

And my favourite storyline of the week. Sarah and Luke. It was pretty obvious from the episode prior to this that things with Sarah and Roy weren’t going to work out. She still had feelings for Luke, and although it was clear that she believed that staying with Roy was the much wiser choice, her heart just wasn’t in it. He acknowledges that there just isn’t a spark – and they break up on Valentines Day. However, in a very soap opera twist, the painting she so admired at the gallery they were all at (that Roy bought for her for V day) turned out to be Luke’s.... It was a corny, yet sweet twist. I think Sarah has probably had the most unhappiness in the four seasons of the show when it comes to love (although this could be debated, they have all had their fair share of bad times) and it was nice to finally see her happy with a development in her love life.


- Just as soon as one couple comes back, Justin and Rebecca, another one (Scotty and Kevin) all but disappear
- This is going to sound horribly critical and little bit catty, but the red suit that Kitty wore to her candidacy announcing, looked a little off. She looked more like she was about to sell people houses than policy ...
- Will be interesting to see the development with Dennis Yorke. It has been touched on that he had been sent to prison for something that involved William Walker, while he walked away relatively clean. Nora should be able to elaborate on the circumstances as she clearly knew exactly who he was.


“I’m sick of cleaning up dad’s messes.” Sarah (Isn’t cleaning up his messes the whole premise of the series??)
“You have to let me in. Cry. Punch a wall, punch me. Something. But just let me help you” Justin
“I’ve been trying to get my heart to follow my head.” Sarah
“What part of make it happen, do you not understand.” Kitty
“Whoever said you can have it all, is a big fat liar.” Sarah

And here is the rest of it.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Greys Anatomy S06E15 'The Time Warp'

There’s not too much to say about this episode of Grey’s. Although I can see the reasoning behind flashback episodes; giving an insight into the characters before they became the people we now know them to be, or maybe showing something that happened to them that still has a major impact on who they are today, I generally don’t like them. Most of the time, they just seem forced.

Although the episode was a little dry, and of course played on peoples emotions by showing the ostracism of both Richard and Alice (Grey), as well as showing the unlikely comeback, medico’s turning their backs on a patient they were afraid to treat, and the underdog (Bailey) having all the answers. But playing on peoples emotions is really what Grey’s does best.

It was interesting to see Bailey’s beginnings though. How quiet and reserved she was now, claiming that she may not have been built to be a shark in this environment. When we look at her character now, it’s hard to believe that they were once the same person. But we did see her stand up for herself in this flashback for the first time, and she’s been doing it since.

We also find out Callie and Alex had sex, not a particularly shocking revelation as almost everyone has slept with everyone at Seattle Grace anyway. I have to admit I did like the callback to the man in the elevator bit, Alex being a typical boastful guy, claims it was all him. This clearly impresses Callie, but in actual fact people that can remember back all those seasons ago know it to be George (her future husband and ex husband) to be the one that didn’t freeze up.

And lastly, it really was a great insight to see what Alice Grey was actually like. She’s almost been a mythical figure since the beginning of this series. Although she has been around, albeit incapacitated due to suffering dementia, it really was probably the best part of the episode. To see the dynamic between Richard and Alice, how they were both somewhat outcast by the other surgeons (even though it could be assumed that they were probably the two best interns there – they were the only one brave enough to help a patients suffering from AIDS when no one else wanted to go near him). There was also a reference to Meredith, and it was clear that Alice may not have been the best mother, but she loved her job, and she loved Richard.

All in all though, not the greatest episode. Grey’s is slipping.


- The set designers should be commended for the 80’s hospital. It was a stunning visual
- I thought it was also a nice touch having Callie so deathly afraid of public speaking
- Will the revelation of Callie and Alex’s sexual dalliance cause trouble for her and Arizona. I don’t see why it should ... She’s also slept with George, Hahn, Sloane...
- That's the first time (and probably last) weve heard Callie was in the peace corp..


“Flattery will get you to an on call room in five minutes or less.” Alice Grey
“Were not the lie. Our marriages are the lie. This, us, it’s right.” Alice Grey
“It changes you, this line of work.” Richard
“God made you short. Who made you quiet?” Richard
“I was not raised to be a shark.” ‘Mandy’ (aka Bailey)

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Big Love S04E06 'Under One Roof'

There’s action packed episodes, and there’s episode six of this seasons Big Love. Wow, I don’t even really know where to begin, but I will try to condense the commentary down to make it more readable.
One of the opening shots was a return to last seasons unfinished story. We finally get to see Ana again, and realise straight away that she is pregnant. It is assumed it’s Bill’s, and Barb goes to speak to her. Barb seems happy about this development, perhaps because a new addition to the family hasn’t been added for awhile (although Nikki is supposedly trying to rectify this).

However, it all turns sour pretty quickly. Ana makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with any of the wives, or for the most part, Bill. When she does finally concede she needs help (as she has to quit her waitressing job) she immediately brings up lawyers. Bill is of course horrified, not because he will only have seemingly limited visitation rights for his child, but because he is running for a seat in the senate, and cannot have any dirt sticking to him right now.

We also find out that Ana is happily engaged to a man that loves her regardless that she is carrying another mans baby, and that the child wasn’t conceived before the wedding. This changes things for Barb, and actually gets her angry with Bill – something that isn’t a common occurrence. And for once, someone finally questions Bill’s intention in regards to his political aspirations. He has claimed in the past that he’s doing it for them, because they shouldn’t have to be ashamed of who they are – but Barb floats the question as to whether his intentions are purely selfish.

The Adaleen/Jay Jay sealment also took a drastic turn in this episode. Nikki is clearly not coping with the knowledge of what is about to happen, and we see her truly vulnerable when she is laying on the couch next to Bill, asking him not to leave. She doesn’t rarely question or berate her family or the way she is brought up, so the fact she does in this episode tells us it is going to become much more of an issue. She also brings it up with the wives, stating that Margene should more or less count herself lucky that she did in fact have a childhood, and Nikki was never afforded that luxury.

We also see Nikki go to the location where the sealment is to take place. She is dressed in a short dress, with high heels – a completely different look to what we’ve ever seen her in. It is almost at this point, like she is rebelling like most teenagers do. This is where she finds out that CaraLynn is also intended to be sealed, and bursts into every room at the motel until she finds her and gets her out of the situation.

The casino was also a big part of this episode, where we see the tension between Bill and Barb mounting further. Marilyn is to make a proposal, basically telling the partners that she can help the casino when it comes to certain bills in the senate etc that may directly affect it. But Barb is not invited to the presentation, and Marilyn, ever the politician, preys on her insecurities of the casino just being one big boys club. They later share icecream together (with Sarah, who once again was seemingly under utilised and had perhaps one or two lines the entire show) and Barb seems to actually bond with Marilyn.

It’s clear that Bill doesn’t want Marilyn involved in the casino. He views her as a political shark who he should be wary of, but Barb, Tommy and Jerry seem to want her involved. Bill is afraid that people at the casino know who he ‘really’ is, and doesn’t want her to find out. However, Barb signs the contract to get her on board.

We also seen Ben getting actively involved in Lois’s business venture. He is in the car with Joedine, Frank and Lois going to Mexico to retrieve the birds. We see Ben and in particular Lois, perhaps the happiest we have seen them yet. Dancing around on the streets of Mexcio, happy to take in their surroundings, and happy with the development of the business and what exactly it could mean for them. Frank and Lois also propose the idea of building an extra room on their house so Ben could stay with them permanently. Ben, in turn, floats the idea of getting a house in Mexico, which they all seem to like. This adventure of course all goes wary, when the Green’s turn up and take them away – to somewhere that is not explored any further. Will have to wait for episode seven ...

Relations between Margene and the family still seem a little strained. Nikki explains that things between Margene and Barb won’t return to semi-normal until Ben is back at home. So with the capture of Ben, it may strain relations even further (although technically Bill should be blamed for Ben’s leaving).

And finally, probably the most touching storyline on this show for awhile was that between Dale and Alby. We have seen how much Dale struggles with who he is, and the lengths he has gone to in order to ‘cure’ his homosexuality.

Alby has organised an apartment, that is just theirs. A place where they can meet. However, this may be their undoing, as Alby’s wife follows them there, and instantly knows what they are up to when she sees them leave one after the other. The rumour on the compound has always been rife that Alby has had sexual dalliances with men (remember back to ‘drip drip drip).

Laura is outraged at the situation, and obviously has power through Alby’s standing on the compound, and is perhaps afraid of losing it. She intimates to Bill the connection between Alby and Dale. Bill confronts Dale, and seemingly feels sorry for him as it is so obvious how much he is struggling with his own demons. Bill acknowledges he know how hard it must be for him, and perhaps this is in direct correlation with Bill having sexual intercourse (with both Margene and Ana) before marriage.

Laura, unsatisfied with the ruining of Dale’s career, also goes to his home to presumably tell his wife. In the closing shot of the scene, we see Alby on the phone telling Dale he loves him, before walking into ‘their’ apartment and finding that he has hung himself. Alby breaks down in tears, and for one of the first times ever we see Alby as a human being, who is genuinely grieving for something he loved and lost.


- In the meeting of the board, when Tommy asked a question about religion, even though it’s clear Bill would know about it, it was if he only directed the question towards Barb. I’m not quite sure what the writers are trying to set up between these two characters, but I’m definitely enjoying it.
- With Sarah’s about ... minute role in this episode, it could be said that the writers are just phasing her out as she is leaving at the end of the season anyway. If we hardly see her this season .. we won’t miss her next season?
- Margene in her public speaking role talked about how women should be there for one another. She obviously doesn’t feel that connection at home anymore. This might also explain why she was so happy to see Ana, as she thought perhaps she could gain an ally.
- There was a lot of phone throwing in this episode.
- Was also interesting for Bill to finally question about Margene’s resistance towards them being exposed. It has been clear she values her business, but Bill calls her on her intentions. However, really both of their intentions (her business, his political career) are both being done purely for themselves, not for the family. It seemed a little rich for Bill to be calling her on it....
- Although it’s clear Nikki doesn’t agree with homosexuality, her calling Alby and telling him she loves him regardless, I thought, was a touching moment. Alby seemed genuinely upset, and perhaps happy to talk to someone as he admitted more to his sister than he had to anyone else.
- But why then does he go ahead with the JayJay/Adaleen sealment? He knows how much it hurts her ... will be interesting to see if this is explained. It was almost like he’s doing it to put on a facade, as he immediately became cold toward Nikki when Laura walked in the room. Perhaps Laura has the real power after all.


“The marriage lasted forty eight hours. Conceiving in forty eight hours is hitting a real bulls eye.” Nikki
“You people are so damn complicated. There’s no half way with any of you.” Ana
“I’m an imperfect person, I know that.” Bill
“Sometimes I get so angry at the things we can’t change.” Nikki
“I think I’m damaged.” Nikki
“This hotel is the place where my soul was killed.” Nikki
“Behind every man, there’s an exhausted woman.” Marilyn
“I like your wife. I respect her. Heaven knows what she’s doing with a horses ass like you.” Marilyn
“He’s good. He touches my heart. He’s my destiny.” Alby
“I don’t want our marriage to be a weapon that stifles your growth. But it’s not just something you can throw away when you want to either.” Bill
“We are the women behind the woman.” Nikki
“I went straight from being a little girl to being a married woman.” Margene
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Secret Diary of a Callgirl S03E05 'Episode Five'

This episode almost exclusively focused on Belle and her developing relationship with her editor, Duncan. Are they on, are they off? It seems to take more twists and turns than most relationships, that’s for sure. It’s obvious in the opening, where they are discussing business, that she’s can’t get their previous dalliance out of her mind. She keeps having flashbacks, and I don’t think it was a coincidence that the word ‘cheap’ invokes a flashback. As he is very clearly trying to avoid the topic of the two of them (especially how he basically threw her out after they had sex) it would be natural for Hannah to feel somewhat used.

But he does come around to the idea, just as Belle seems to be completely going off the idea, mostly due to a conversation she had with a client. The client, Al, had asked her about relationships while she is still in the business. And although he never says it would never work, it seems as though Belle believes this to be true, and therefore conjures him up just after Duncan has apologised and they are about to get intimate. So she throws him out.

It only takes until the end of the episode for her to apologise for her behaviour. She had in fact, put him in quite an impossible situation. Telling him it bothered her that he doesn’t seem to mind what she does, and just to appease her he told her it does, and then her throwing him out because it has no chance of working then. It seemed completely unreasonable, and in fact, was meant to be. We saw Belle struggling with her past demons (her relationship with Alex). But the two are going to give it a chance, and again we get to see the dynamic of Hannah trying to juggle both herself and Belle. But this time it has an interesting twist – Duncan almost intimately knows Belle as he is her editor, and whereas Alex was mostly left in the dark, he has a complete understanding of the details of what she does.

In other news, Bambi and Byron announce to Ben and Hannah that they are engaged. Hannah immediately objects to the idea, telling them that it is a little strange that they met ‘for a shag’ and two weeks later, are engaged.
And although this in some part stems from the part of her that truly believes that a relationship while being an escort can never work, there is obviously more than a little truth behind the idea.
And it affects Byron and Bambi as well, because the next time we see them, they’re discussing all of their ‘favourite’ things in order to learn more about each other. And although they briefly skim over their family lives, they revert back to talking about their favourite super heroes. Neither of them have a relationship with their parents (Byron’s don’t like him, Bambi’s gave her away) and it seems as though the subject is almost too hard for them to talk about, that they simply cannot talk about something so personal with one another – so they go back to a much easier topic.


- Belle finally divulges her magical number. 1036 men. I wonder if that includes the men Hannah has slept with? Logic says yes, but I guess it is murky ground.
- I feared that things will end up badly for Bambi, and with the announcement of her engagement to Byron, I’m more inclined to think it will. An underlying theme, not just in this season but throughout the whole series, is that it is almost impossible to have a relationship with somebody while you’re in this job. Even Stephanie confirms this.
- Find out Stephanie’s inclination is for women. That’s not either really here nor there, but provides more of an insight to a character than we’ve ever really had before.
- Belle’s unashamed love for the almighty pound also makes a resurface. We see what she actually does with her money (safe deposit box), and the issue of taxes is skirted around. I wonder just how much money she has stored away....


“Love is overrated. And built on very shaky ground. Where as an affair with a wardrobe is solid, and it lasts forever.” Belle
“Number one unwritten rule of being an escort. You’re only allowed on lover. Money.” Belle
“What? I had to do it. He’s my editor and escorts can’t have boyfriends. Keep up.” Belle
“Sex, enthusiasm, respect, clarity.” Belle
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Secret Diary of a Callgirl S03E04 'Episode Four'

Three different relationships, three different outcomes. This episode focussed on love, heartbreak and moving on. The relationship between Belle and Duncan continues to be a focal point, and just as soon as the writers put the two characters together, they tear them away just as fast. It looked like Bambi and Byron were heading for the same fate, until the dying moments of the episode proved otherwise. And of course, Jackie and Ben’s relationship flame flickered and died before our very eyes.

Ben made it clear at the beginning of the episode that he wanted to end things with Jackie. It seemed somewhat clear from the start of this story arc that it could never turn in to anything serious. Aside from the fact that Jackie has a husband, Ben just didn’t seem to be ready to settle down. And in some way, they were both long to be something they could never have. Ben seemed to be merely substituting Hannah for her sister. It is clear that the two still have SOME sort of feelings for each other – and I’m sure that will be actively pursued further down the track. This was made clear to me with Hannah’s reaction to him dating her sister, and in this episode where Ben clearly stated he didn’t want to hear about Hannah’s sex life.

And I believe that Jackie wanted a taste of Hannah’s life. She wanted to know what it was like to not be married, to be free to make alternative choices and in some regards, to throw caution to the wind. Perhaps the breakup with Ben is what she needed for her to wake up. She has now gone back to her husband to try to work things out, and it is unclear as to whether she will be back.

Now that Duncan and Belle have finally had sex, it will be interesting to see what happens next. It seemed at the start of the episode where they are discussing kinkiness, that Belle was almost flirting with him through her broad minded sexual exploits. That he should be impressed that she has no fear in doing something kinky. And although we know this to be true through her past experiences, the way she repeated herself seemed a little attention grabbing. Almost like she wanted to be noticed by him for this. And of course he knows what she does in intimate detail. This may be an attraction to a degree, but the fact that she is a prostitute will come into play down the track, just as it did with Alex. Belle dished out this advice to Bambi in this episode and the one prior, so it’s not like she’s unfamiliar with the situation.....

Perhaps Belle herself is headed for trouble, trying to find love again.

I felt genuinely sorry for both Bambi and Byron. I liked these characters together, and when I saw them having the ‘talk’, about how things down the track are going to be different, that he may ever start to resent her because of her job. Although he denies it, it does sound like a valid concern – and Bambi almost tries to take a pre emptive strike. To end things before she gets herself too involved. But he shows up at the end of the episode and makes a grand gesture. A declaration of love that seemed a little out of character for the show, but completely befitting of Byron.

It was also interesting to see Belle/Hannah look on the two lovers longingly when they embraced. It reflected what her and Duncan have not shared, even though they have had sex, he seemed to almost brush her off afterwards.


- Good to see Hannah and Ben back to being friends. It almost felt like there was something missing in this last few episodes where they were barely talking. This however, gave rise to Bambi, who I actually think might be my favourite character in this show.
- Was interesting to see the contrasting relationships. The beginning of one, the ending of another, and the tricky/complicated unsure stage...
- In a way, was glad to get rid of the sister. It was good to see that side of Hannah though, and who knows, family might come back into play soon. Would actually like to see Hannah with her parents at some stage too.
- It was nice to see a blossoming friendship between Ben and Bambi as well. When she’s lamenting about her situation with Bryon, with Hannah telling her its doomed, I thought it was a nice touch for Ben to give her a little bit of hope.
- Sploshing may be one of the weirdest sexual thing the show has ever covered..... Perhaps I live a sheltered life, but I’d never heard of it before
- Also notable that although Belle didn’t enjoy sploshing the first time, I think it almost seemed like she was doing it for the wrong reason. She did it because her editor asked her to pursue something kinky. But she gave it another go, and actually seemed to not mind it the second time when she really just let herself go. It seems like her thing with Duncan may be, to some extent (although some people may think this suggestion is a bit of a stretch) is interfering with her work.


“Sploshing, the art of getting wet, and down, and dirty.” Belle
“He’s your editor, not your pimp.” Ben
“Who needs boys, when you’ve got girls and champagne.” Belle
“What is kinky? Something with kinks or twists. Well that’s all of us, isn’t it? It’s just a matter of finding who fits with your kinks. To be loved, unconditionally. That would be something.” Hannah
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Greys Anatomy S06E14 'Valentines Day Massacre'

Change is inevitable. And in dramas, it’s a constant. I know it’s part of the human condition to be resistant to change, but the characters in Grey’s are so exposed to it - I feel as though they should be used to it. Let’s see .... Sloane is suddenly a dad, and soon to be granddad. And at the shows end it’s almost like he’s neither. Meredith is a hardcore surgeon with no interest in the ‘suits’ that control the hospitals interests. And then she’s a dutiful wife, standing by her husband (the chiefs) side. Derek is a surgeon whose sole purpose is to save peoples lives, and now he’s someone who has to walk away from the chaos of the emergency room to release a statement to the media. Bailey is a single mother who seems to openly object to being anything else, and now she has a date planned with Warren. Change surrounds these people, they just don’t seem to see it.

So one of the more heartfelt stories in this episode was the love triangle between three of the patients. And of course, being Grey’s Anatomy, they end up teaching the surgeons something. In this case, Meredith learns the true meaning of being married. Sacrifice. That it can’t all be about her ambition, at some point, she has to put that aside in order to be Mrs. Derek Sheppard. And she does, even though it’s clear that she was struggling with this earlier on. She didn’t want to leave being a surgeon behind to be at a brunch with the ‘suits’. But she does it for her husband, because her patient conveniently tells her what marriage means.

An interesting aspect of this episode was also getting some insight into Avery’s background. It seems that many people have seemingly not survived the merger (or they just get zero screen time). But if there’s one doctor I’m glad that made the cut, it’s Avery. Although his speech to Lexie is a little boastful, particularly when he harps in about his looks, it becomes clear that his looks are what defines him in his family. He is the pretty one, lost in a family of over achievers. And it’s Avery that gets through to Lexie, that changing her hair isn’t enough, she has to change herself. She has to stand up for herself, and that’s exactly what she does.
And again we see a doctor connecting with a patient, due to a connected plight that seems to haunt them both. Lexie sees a parallel between herself and the dishwasher in the restaurant where the roof collapsed, who was seemingly ‘left behind.’ Lexie feels that she was left behind in her relationship with Mark, suddenly his daughter that he didn’t know he had shows up. And the whole dynamic between himself and Lexie changes – he’s far more focussed on being a dad/granddad than he is on her.
It seems that she is moving on, with Alex of all people. And with her new blonde hair, I have to admit I did find myself asking if Alex was merely replacing Izzie. Perhaps there is no connection, maybe just an insight into how I read too much into things....

The love triangle between Owen, Christina and Teddy seems to be drawing to a close. Thankfully. I’m not sure how well that storyline has really worked, because I never really found myself connecting with Teddy as a character. She feels as though she’s lost her best friend and wants him back, so hopefully she will stop vying for his affections and just let things develop naturally. I’m sure when the writers run out of material, they will throw this storyline back in the mix though.


- Callie so eagerly jumping in on Mark’s offer to help him raise the baby seemed quite sudden. And if it had worked out, would most likely have caused some major tension between herself and Arizona. It still might. It was shown last week, where there was brief snapshot of the three of them on the bed, that Arizona is a little uncomfortable with the friendship between Mark and Callie.
- Hopefully Avery will become more of a core character now. He’s always been floating around in the background, and he’s the only doctor from Mercy West I can actually remember.
- Alex is not exactly the most compassionate doctor I’ve ever seen. The comment made after the head waiter dies seemed a little heartless...
- Sometimes Arizona’s chirpiness can be a little grating. And her lack of subtlety in trying to set Warren and Bailey up on a date bordered on embarrassing.


“What’s happening with the giggling, the girl talk, the OMG’s, has to stop. I am busy.” Bailey
“If you want to go out to dinner, fine. I will show up, and try to talk.” Bailey
“So Yang’s with Hunt, Grey’s with Sheppard, Torrez is with Robbins and you were with Sloane until he dumped you. It’s a wonder you guys got any work done.” Avery
“Sometimes change can be good, right?” Lexie
“Is this what marriage turns into? Running out of things to say, and changing who you are” Meredith
“If you don’t feel the losses, if they don’t hurt you, humble you. That’s when you know you’re not cut out for this work.” Sheppard
“It may seem like we have nothing left to talk about, but sometimes it’s nice to not to have to talk. Fifteen years ago I made a choice, and I keep making it every day. That’s what marriage is.” Patient
“Dude waited on tables and watched life happen without him. He’s probably better off.” Alex
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